Allied Real Estate Appraisals in Grand Rapids, Michigan is Kent County Appraisals Our primary area of coverage is West Michigan's Kent County. If your appraisal needs are within Kent County or the area immediately surrounding Kent County, you are invited to contact Allied Real Estate Appraisals in Grand Rapids to handle your next appraisal assignment. Kent County encompasses 864 square miles and is comprised of a mix of rural farmland and developed areas, with the largest city being Grand Rapids. All of Kent County falls within our range of coverage, as does the eastern portion of Ottawa County. In Kent County, the areas of coverage (all) include the Townships of Ada, Algoma, Alpine, Bowne, Byron, Caledonia, Cannon, Courtland, Cascade, Gaines, Grand Rapids, Grattan, Lowell, Nelson, Oakfield, Plainfield, Solon, Sparta, Spencer, Tyrone and Vergennes. Also included in Kent County are the cities/municipalities of Ada, Belmont, Byron Center, Caledonia, Cascade, Casnovia, Cedar Springs, Comstock Park, Cutlerville, Dutton, East Grand Rapids, Gowen, Grandville, Grand Rapids, Kent City, Kentwood, Lowell, Rockford, Sand Lake, Sparta, Standale, Walker and Wyoming.
The following areas are also covered on a case-by-case basis depending on current workload:
Northern Allegan County: Townships of Dorr, Hopkins, Leighton and Wayland. Barry County: Townships of Irving, Thornapple, Yankee Springs, Orangeville and the Village of Middleville. Ionia County: Belding, Saranac, Lake Odessa, Clarksville and the Townships of Campbell, Boston, Keene, Otisco and Odessa. Montcalm County: Greenville and the Townships of Eureka, Montcalm and Pierson.
Prompt and professional service has always been our goal at Allied Real Estate Appraisals. Call Dale Roels at 616-957-2300 for your residential real estate appraisal needs in West Michigan. or