Estate Appraisals

The process of settling an estate usually requires an appraisal to establish fair market value for the residential property involved. In many cases, a current market value appraisal is requested to reflect the present value of a property. In other cases, a retroactive appraisal is requested to reflect the value at the time of death.

Settling an estate can be stressful and unsettling.  As an executor or other estate representative, you have been entrusted to carry out the wishes of the deceased as swiftly and exactly as possible.  It is paramount in such a case that an appraiser be not only fully competent, but also sensitive to all parties involved.

Whether you are an attorney, executor, conservator or family member in need of an estate appraisal, we would be honored to be of service.

Call Dale Roels with your questions or to order an appraisal for your estate-related needs.  Phone 616-957-2300, 8:30-5:00 Monday-Friday.